Fredericksburg Ford Driver? Try El Toro Auto Group in Boerne

The New and Pre-Owned Ford Cars from El Toro Auto Group are Offered to Fredericksburg Drivers at Great Prices

El Toro Auto Group is an outstanding dealership dedicated to helping the people of Fredericksburg and Gillespie County purchase a new or used Ford vehicle they are guaranteed to love. We make available all of the necessary resources and information to help Fredericksburg drivers figure out which new or used Ford car would be best for them.

Through this website you can take advantage of the different tools we have available to request a quote, apply for financing, or look through our vehicle listings. Additionally, with our excellent Service Department onsite, Fredericksburg drivers can bring their Ford vehicles in to have them serviced or repaired by professionals.

El Toro Auto Group is located near your Fredericksburg neighborhood, and we are a great resource in your journey towards buying a new or used Ford car.

Get Directions to El Toro Auto Group in Boerne, Texas

Find El Toro Auto Group at 31480 I-10, in Boerne, Texas. We're conveniently located near several Texas centers, like San Antonio, Boerne, and Houston. To get from San Antonio to El Toro Auto Group, hop on the I-10 W from N Flores Street and W Martin Street. Follow the I-10 W to Frontage Road in Kendall County and take exit 543. Follow Frontage Road until you get to El Toro Auto Group in Boerne.

Get to our Boerne dealership from Boerne by getting on the I-35 S from E 5th Street and S I-35 Frontage Road. Follow the I-35 S, TX-1604 Loop W and the I-10 W/US-87 N to Frontage Road in Kendall County, then take exit 543. Continue down Frontage Road until you get to El Toro Auto Group. Get from Houston to El Toro Auto Group by first hopping on the I-45 N. Follow the I-10 W to Frontage Road in Kendall County and take exit 543. Follow Frontage Road to El Toro Auto Group.

Follow these simple direction to get from San Antonio, Boerne, or Houston to El Toro Auto Group in Boerne, and find your next new or used car today.

Fredericksburg Ford Driver? Come to El Toro Auto Group in Boerne

Dealer Information

El Toro Auto Group
31480 I-10
Boerne, TX 78006
Call now for more information
(210) 934-6131

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El Toro Auto Group
31480 I-10
Boerne, TX 78006